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Currently in our Galleries

Fiber Fusion
Christine Anderson, Carol Flax, Lorraine Gentile Haynes, Lisa Horton, Toni Newhall

Show Dates: Saturday, February 22 - Friday, March 28, 2025
Opening Reception: Saturday, February 22, 3:00-5:00pm
FREE and Open to the Public

Join us for the opening reception for our second show of the season, featuring five artists working in fiber. Techniques include quilting, tapestry and loom weaving, collage and assemblage, surface application, design and embellishment, and more.

Christine Anderson, a weaver and fiber artist, finds the intersection of threads, both basic and centering to her life and creative work. Her work includes intricate tapestries of local landscapes and mixed media pieces. To develop an idea, she uses a fusion of materials including delicate threads, fabric, scanned images, handmade paper, and beads. The scanned images, from nature, leaves, petals from flowers, insect wings are incorporated and can be duplicated and manipulated. Her pieces make a connection to the natural world and our place in it. Combining the life cycles of insects, birds, and plants with ideas of femininity, the work explores innocence, passages of life, aging and death.

Carol Flax moved to Cape Cod in 2013 and revived a technique of representational collage that she originally developed in her twenties. Her medium is entirely cut (reclaimed/recycled) paper. Best described as “painting with paper,” she pulls her “palette” of colors and textures from magazines, calendars, catalogs and other paper that tends to be a slightly heavier, glossy stock. She uses craft scissors to cut shapes that when applied with an archival glue stick onto a collage board backing, the layers, strongly resemble almost brush-like-strokes. Her “upcycled” art work is inspired by favorite views from her travels, but especially the beautiful variety of landscapes, flora and fauna particular to Cape Cod.

Lorraine Gentile Haynes has always used her hands to create craft and art, including precious metal work, collage and printmaking. In 2015 she moved to Cape Cod and it was here that her love of combining line, shape form texture, space, value and color came together in the creation of her fiber art quilts. Because her mother was a tailor and clothing designer, she spent her early years in fabric houses where she learned to love textiles, She found that her background in layering and joining done in metal work, and the layering used in printmaking techniques, influenced and translated well into her fiber arts quilt projects.

Lisa Horton’s motto is the phrase: “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure”. To create her mixed media/collages, she most often combines castoff items and organic materials. She fabricates her pieces using various buttons and beads, threads, wire and scraps of paper, as well as other found objects. A bit of silk from an old scarf, a piece of lace from a friend’s blouse, bits and pieces of old jewelry — all find their way onto her canvas. The pieces she creates are of an abstract nature, yet each one is meant to evoke a meaning, a message or a memory.

Toni Newhall is a fiber/mixed media artist who likes to celebrate what has traditionally been considered “women’s work” by expanding these techniques into textured pieces of art. She uses fibers in combination with a variety of materials to create two and three dimensional pieces. She is drawn to the idea of multiples, expressed either as a series of works or as repeat motifs in a single piece. Her inspiration often comes from nature, by observing the smaller parts of a whole and expanding on or abstracting the details of an object.


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Tue-Wed: Please call ahead
Thurs-Sat: 10:00am-2:00pm


Tue-Fri: 10:00am-5:00pm


Jodi Stevens


Philip Tifft

Maria Bayazid
Kate Corkum
Sharon Giblin
Andrea Green
Elizabeth Howland
Harriet Ingerslev
Bernie Klim
Sarah Mitchell
Alice Shire

Coming Soon to our Galleries

The Pastel Paintings of
Janet Schwartz & Dave Kaphammer

Show Dates: Saturday, April 5 - Friday, May 16, 2025
Opening Reception: Saturday, April 5, 3:00-5:00pm
FREE and Open to the Public

Although trained as an art teacher, Janet Schwartz initially put off her artistic interests to pursue a corporate career. During her lengthy work commutes, she was inspired by the energy and chaos of highway lights and reflections and began painting in earnest in her free time. In 2021, she traded in her corporate career for a full life of painting and teaching painting – and she hasn’t turned back. 

Schwartz is a pastel artist but also enjoys working in oils and charcoal drawings. She is a Master Circle Member of the International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS), a Copley Artist with the Copley Society of Art, a juried member of the Rockport Art Association and the North Shore Art Association; a Signature Member of the Pastel Society of America (PSA) and Pastel Painters Society of Cape Cod (PPSCC) where she has actively served on the board for six years. Her work is represented at the Sidoti Gallery of Fine Art in Rockport, MA and she exhibits at the Copley Society of Art, the Concord Art Association, Rockport Art Association and Museum, the North Shore Art Association, the Salmagundi Club in NY and other New England locations.

Strong light and cast shadows can make the most ordinary scenes appear magical in the works of Dave Kaphammer. He is inspired by late afternoon light breaking through trees, reflecting off water, or falling across an old tractor, casting interesting shadow shapes. Recently his interest has expanded to the old New England architecture in his neighborhood..

Kaphammer has been painting in pastel for about 20 years – starting from taking weekly classes, then setting up a home studio and painting several times a week, and eventually teaching regular classes and workshops for over seven years. He also works full time as an engineer for Bose. Dave Says “Exercising my artistic passion makes the engineering be more creative, while time spent working and commuting definitely fuels my hunger for making art.”

Kaphammer is a signature member of the Pastel Society of America and the Pastel Painters Society of Cape Cod (PPSCC), a Master Circle member of the International Association of Pastel Societies (IAPS), and an Artist member of the Copley Society of Art, the Rockport Art Association, and the North Shore Art Association. He has won numerous awards in national and international juried shows.

Previously in our Galleries

Pamela Hoss & Kim Barry
Two Painters, Two Friends

Show Dates
September 28 - November 1, 2024

Pamela Hoss & Kim Barry
Two Painters, Two Friends

Show Dates
September 28 - November 1, 2024

Nancy Dyer Mitton Paintings
A Survey: 1984-2024

Show Dates
July 6 - August 9, 2024