Holiday Stroll at the MAC
Holiday Stroll at the MAC
Sunday, December 8, 3:30-5:30pm
on the MAC Patio or in the MAC Theater
80 Pleasant Street, Marion
Take a fun family photo in our igloo photo booth!
Visit the Marion Art Center for your own festive photo shoot! Climb inside our winter wonderland igloo to take your own selfies, pet snapshots, family portraits, and photos with friends. The MAC elves will be on site and available to help.
Tag the MAC, or check in to our location on social media!
Instagram @marionartcenter
The Marion Art Center is located at 80 Pleasant Street, at the corner of Pleasant and Main streets in Marion, MA. All are welcome!
Holiday Stroll
December 8, 2024
3:30 pm - 5:30 pm
Venue: Marion Art Center
Venue Phone: 508-748-1266
Address:80 Pleasant Street, Marion, Massachusetts, 02738, United States