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The MAC offers a variety of plays with an array of challenging roles suitable for a wide demographic.

All casting is done through open auditions supervised by the play’s director. Audition times and dates are posted in advance on the website as well as on other area theater call boards and forums.  

Rehearsals usually run two to three hours, three days a week during non-business hours for six or seven weeks, depending on the coordination between the director and the cast. Participation in set and prop construction is encouraged but subject to an individual’s schedule and abilities. Performers are unpaid and all roles are non-Equity. 

The MAC Theater celebrates diversity and seeks people of all backgrounds regardless of age, race, creed, or national origin. All are welcome!

Please email to receive email announcements whenever auditions are scheduled. The MAC Theater does not sell or provide email lists to any third parties.

Upcoming Auditions

Saturday, March 29, 10:00am-12:00pm
Sunday, March 30, 12:00-2:00pm

The Glass Menagerie

Written by Tennessee Williams
Directed by Donn Tyler

Nine Performance Dates: June 13, 14, 15, 20, 21, 22, 27, 28, 29, 2025
Evening shows begin at 7:30pm | Sunday matinee begins at 2:00pm

Amanda Wingfield had imagined a better life for herself but she now lives in a drab apartment with son Tom and daughter Laura. The father has left home, Tom supports the family with a job he hates, and Laura lives in a world of her own. When Amanda convinces Tom to bring home a “gentleman caller” for Laura, all of the family’s dreams depend on the outcome of his visit.

Character descriptions:

Amanda Wingfield: (40’s-50’s)
Amanda is a proud woman who clings to memories of the past as she deals with the difficult circumstances of the present.

Laura Wingfield: (20-30)
Laura suffers from the results of a childhood illness and is painfully shy.

Tom Wingfield: (20-30)
Tom supports his mother and sister by working at a shoe factory, but he aspires to be a poet.

Jim O’Connor: (20-30)
The gentleman caller, Jim is an old high school acquaintance of Laura and Tom and now works in the same shoe factory as Tom.

Actors will perform scenes from the sides and may also be asked to do cold readings. Memorization is not expected. Sides are available for download below. Please send questions to director Donn Tyler at


About MAC Theater
On Stage Now



Kate Fishman

Sound & Lighting Technician
Steven McManus

Pippa Asker
Allison Donelan
John Heavey
Paul Kandarian
Suzie Kokkins
Cynthia Latham
Gary Sousa
Karrie Szatek

MAC Directors
Pippa Asker
Linda Costa
Kate Fishman
John Heavey
Stephanie LeBlanc
Shelia McManus
Jennifer Palmer
Brienne Riccio
Jacob Sherburne
Rick Sherburne
Kate Sorensen
Gary Sousa
Donn Tyler
Maura Van Voris
Richard Van Voris