Reading Frederick Douglass Together
Saturday, July 1 at 1:00pm
at the Benjamin D. Cushing Community Center
465 Mill Street, Marion
FREE – Light refreshments will be provided.
The Marion Art Center partners with the Marion Community Center and Tri Town Against Racism to present a public reading of Frederick Douglass’s 1852 speech What to the Slave is the Fourth of July? A diverse group of readers from the SouthCoast region will present an abridged version of Douglass’s famous speech, which will take approximately 50 minutes.
Audience members are encouraged to stay for a community discussion following the reading. Dr. Moise St. Louis returns in 2023 to give opening remarks and help lead the discussion.
The presentation of this public reading is a statewide initiative coordinated by Mass Humanities, a generous sponsor of these free community events. Additional resources can be found on the Mass Humanities website.
July 1, 2023
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
Venue: Benjamin D. Cushing Community Center
Benjamin D. Cushing Community Center, 465 Mill Street (Rt. 6) Marion
(Marion Council on Aging)